Again on the topic of Love ! Well, you see, people all over the world again and again, time after time celebrating this feeling, singing songs of love and doing much more..Earlier days, they were talking,singing and writing about the so called "Eternal love". It is also known as true love and all. But as the time passed, as the world changed, as the pace of life shot up...a new tern, a new word was coined.." Practical love".
What actually is the practical love?
Well,people may put it roughly as thinking about all the pros and cons of the relationship, like caste,colour, religion, financial stability, job security and too many other things. But as in the case of ideal eternal love, if the lovers, no matter whatever problems they had, liked each other..they were going to fell in love and eventually they would marry. But things have changed now. Many of the people, are not willing to take up the challenges and responsibility that come with the 'eternal love' package'. They are opting for a customized practical love package. [I may also like to order an package, i think ;) ]
One of the greatest deciding factor in love nowadays is religion i think.
But what actually it does? I feel, it limits our options.There are lots of girls around us. For a better calcualtion let it be 100 girls all around us.We will met only a 40 of them in our life time in the most or in the extreme case..whatever... We may, depending upon our beauty quotient and all, like a 25 girls. As we are looking forward for a risk-free, no-responsibility practical love, we get to choose only 5 girls in our community. As we are again looking for financial security etc then we get 3 girls. After confirming the job security and all we get 1 girl...and at last that girl doesn't like person!!! :) ;) So at the end of the day you have nothing in hand. So we have to go for some other less lucrative options!!
Well this is a kind of exaggerated numbers and statistics, just for an illustrative purpose.
So the point is that, we are restricted... because of religion. The whole society is set up in that way. In the case of marriage, especially in arranged marriages, our parents will be choosing a match from their community only. We restrict ourself in falling in love with a girl in another religion!
Do we actually need all these religion and all??
But there is one thing... When there is true love, it out weights the practical one.. and its always a kind of blind.. to see religion and other hurdles..
So lets hope for true love...and a better world of course..