We know this fact and we are less resistant to this kind of things. Yeah, its okay to manipulate the way thing, but only to certain limits. What if the limit exceeds??
Everyone is familiar with Swine flue or H1N1 . Can you believe that it was a hoax??! It is true that there was such a disease. But the intensity and depth was a kind of product of fake advertisement.
Here is the story from www.your-story.org
"In yet another exposé of the financial corruption that is driving the H1N1 “pandemic” and pharmaceutical vaccine scam, a Finnish member of the World Health Organization Board, who also happens to be one of their key advisors on pharmaceutical vaccines, has allegedly received 6 million Euros from the vaccine manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline. Although the World Health Organization (WHO) promised full transparency, this conflict of interest has only recently been uncovered through much effort."
So the Global swine flue scare was a fabricated big scale advertisement of Pharmaceutical companies. Its also a story of shameful corruption. Can you believe that even the WHO people were involved in such a scam?! The very people who are responsible for the good health of people all around the globe are involved in such a case. Then how are we going to live in this world?
Multi National Companies are even willing to kill people to promote their products !! Where is the human values?? Where is humanity? Everywhere we can find is only money and business!! Are we on the right path??! Are we destined to live our lives according to the way many business tycoons show us??
Yeah jiths ...very true...Swine flu was not the only such case , remember the bird flu ?? Mnay such diseases appear out of sudden and disappear like the bubble , just like the way it appeared ..its so sad that people at top positions plays with so many innocent lives just to earn few bucks !!! They know we dont like them to play with innocent lives like this , but are they listening ?
i thot all these things were only i hollywood movie plots..
but in real life facts are stranger than fiction...
some pharma company were even producin viruses to spread diseas to sell their medicins... !!!
dast so cruel ..i wonder whr dese kinda ppl keep their conscience while doing such works!!!
"another dramatic WHO scandal involving Austrian journalist Jane Burgermeister who revealed that the WHO conspired with Baxter International (another vaccine manufacturer) and the United Nations itself to produce and release live bird flu viruses in 2009, all in an effort to trigger the pandemic."
they dont have the so called conscience at all...
Well, nothing came of SARS, Bird 'Flu, and, as yet, nothing of Swine 'Flu either, and hopefully nothing will, but it is a theory of mine that these are just invented to keep people in jobs!
No pandemics have occurred, although they, ( WHO ) say that they are prepared, just in case. So I wonder just what these people actually do with their time and the Government money that they are given!
thank u for droppin by and of course for leaving a great comment...
I had heard that is was all a bullshit story to sell vaccines.
we too heard... :)
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