
Sunday, June 21, 2009

The existence of a writer...

I always wondered, why do you people spend time on my blog, and why do you want to spend your precious time and effort reading the craps written by me??!! Well I must ask this question myself when I read others blog.

Well this is just the case of a blog only. In a bigger scale you can see many people spending their time in book stalls and spending their hard earned money buying books and voraciously reading from page one to the end.

An author may have definite idea about some definite topics, and it may be good, bad or even ugly!! So we are paying and spending our time to understand somebody's idea, which the creator thinks right. There are different genres of books. I do agree with people who buy 'self help' books, because it definitely help people to some extend. But what about other types??!! Its all about we are paying attention to somebody's work, somebody's prejudice, somebody's ego, somebody's fantasy etc etc..

Recently I saw a person near the second hand book selling place or seconds book place. He appeared to be a budhijeevi kindaa person, shabbily dressed,with a cloth bag and carefully careless about himself. Well he wanted to buy a lots of books from there, but he didn't have enough money with him, but still after a long negotiation and all he manages to buy some books and that too on a promise to pay later, I suppose.
Well is there any need for him to buy books like that??!!

Well if we think in a pessimistic way, there is nothing in this world that we have to do. Like wise no need for buying a book and savour the ideology of some other man with some brand name!!

But its all about passion, not reasons that keeps us going in our life. If such people were not present in this world how many of the so called classics will get published?? Its all about the appreciation and comments that an author gets from the readers that keeps him going. Well I personally know the happiness when i see a new comment to any of my creation. It helps me to satisfy the ego!! ;)

So you, you are the reason for the existence of a writer in me, even though I didn't produced any world class things...;) So keep commenting and give me feed backs. :)
Thank you for your support so far... :)

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