
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Celebrations of Media

We are quite aware of the fact that the media like Television, News paper etc literally celebrate all major events. May be it some one's success, failure, gossips, and even death. These celebrations are their struggle for existence! The more they celebrate, the better they are doing their business. 

The celebration of success, achievement are always welcome. Because they are positive, they can inspire people and can do a lot of wonders in the society. But what about the other side??

Celebration of Death!!

Haven't you seen in television, the special programs and discussions on some celebrities death? We can argue that its is a part of paying tribute to that great personality. But isn't also a kind of celebration?
I am not against paying tribute to the great people who had done so much of great things to our society. But what made me think about all these things is one fact. 

When news flashes that some celebrity passed away, in the next time slot the TV people telecast special program on that person. These programs are all well edited and informative one,of course. Well, any one has some previous experience with video editing can tell that, it takes more than 1 minute, even for editing a 1 minute duration clip. So how are they doing all these things within a very short span of time?? Are they expecting all these things in advance and preparing these in advance or is it my mere ignorance on latest technology or am i underestimating the quick brilliant video editors?? 

If they are expecting someone's death and prepares a special programs to telecast on the 'D-day' in advance, what do we need to call it? Is it ethical or unethical? I have no answers for these. 
And it all became a part of our society, The celebrations..

[Here in this post, my intention was not to blame anyone. I was just sharing my opinion. Well everyone's wish is to gain some personal advantage. See how i am celebrating the celebration of death!!!]

Friday, January 15, 2010

An Ugly face of corruption

We are aware of the fact that our daily lives are greatly influenced and even manipulated by the interests of business world. In order to promote their product, in order to reach to the right audience, each and every organization tailor made their advertisement. Through advertisement they are exploiting our interests, love,anger, fear and whatever things you can name.So it is very clear that we have been exploited. If a product is something new and they cannot find a feeling to exploit, they may start to influence and manipulate our feeling by creating a brand new culture through advertising. It is a fact.

We know this fact and we are less resistant to this kind of things. Yeah, its okay to manipulate the way thing, but only to certain limits. What if the limit exceeds??

Everyone is familiar with Swine flue or H1N1 . Can you believe that it was a hoax??! It is true that there was such a disease. But the intensity and depth was a kind of product of fake advertisement.

Here is the story from
"In yet another exposé of the financial corruption that is driving the H1N1 “pandemic” and pharmaceutical vaccine scam, a Finnish member of the World Health Organization Board, who also happens to be one of their key advisors on pharmaceutical vaccines, has allegedly received 6 million Euros from the vaccine manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline. Although the World Health Organization (WHO) promised full transparency, this conflict of interest has only recently been uncovered through much effort."

So the Global swine flue scare was a fabricated big scale advertisement of Pharmaceutical companies. Its also a story of shameful corruption. Can you believe that even the WHO people were involved in such a scam?! The very people who are responsible for the good health of people all around the globe are involved in such a case. Then how are we going to live in this world? 

Multi National Companies are even willing to kill people to promote their products !! Where is the human values?? Where is humanity? Everywhere we can find is only money and business!! Are we on the right path??! Are we destined to live our lives according to the way many business tycoons show us??

Google - Another Perspective.

    Most of the Netizens can't think of a day without Google. In one way or another, we are using some of the Google products on a daily basis. Right now we are using one! We all adore Google for its simplicity, speed, accuracy etc. And more importantly all its services are free! And so Google has become an integral part in our lives.

   Now Google has entered in most of the places in internet world- searching, social networking,mailing,videos,books, document management, advertisement and of course blogging and lots more. And through these years, they have accomplished great credibility. The credibility has reached to such an extend that, we take those things as granted that Google shows us through their various services. So nowadays Google has reached to a position that can potentially influence the way we think.

   If one day Google decides to spread something like 'Google culture' like MTV culture and all, we without knowing this, gradually adopt to this way of living. This is only a possibility. Because Google reaches to our lives in such a depth that it can even change our perceptions and vision.

  Google is entering into newer and newer arena on a rapid pace. And the interesting fact is that we always happy to accept all those new things. When it introduced a new browser in the midst of  four, five other browsers , we accepted it with our both hands. When they will introduce a new Operating System, we will accept it. Google chrome could break the monopoly of Internet Explorer. The new OS is also expected to do the same.

  Google also entered into a new world, into the world of Mobile phones, with Nexus. They already have their own Mobile phone Operating system Andria. And this new introduction is expected to break the monopoly of Apple iPhone and windows' Mobile OS. Thus in many way Google is breaking away all the old monopolies and on the same time building a new monopoly of their own!

 I t reminds me of Indian history! The way in which British East India company came to India! and the rest you can find in some history book. So Google is also capable of growing into a giant that can control the whole world. Lets hope that the people who lead Google are people of high values.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Love, Marriage and Religion

Again on the topic of Love ! Well, you see, people all over the world again and again, time after time celebrating this feeling, singing songs of  love and doing much more..Earlier days, they were talking,singing and writing about the so called "Eternal love". It is also known as true love and all. But as the time passed, as the world changed, as the pace of life shot up...a new tern, a new word was coined.." Practical love".

What actually is the practical love?
Well,people may put it roughly as thinking about all the pros and cons of the relationship, like caste,colour, religion, financial stability, job security and too many other things. But as in the case of ideal eternal love, if the lovers, no matter whatever problems they had, liked each other..they were going to fell in  love and eventually they would marry. But things have changed now. Many of the people, are not willing to take up the challenges and responsibility that come with the 'eternal love' package'. They are opting for a customized practical love package. [I may also like to order an package, i think ;) ]

One of the greatest deciding factor in love nowadays is religion i think.
But what actually it does? I feel, it limits our options.There are lots of girls around us. For a better calcualtion let it be 100 girls all around us.We will met only a 40 of them in our life time in the most or in the extreme case..whatever... We may, depending upon our beauty quotient and all, like a 25 girls.  As we are looking forward for a risk-free, no-responsibility practical love, we get to choose only 5 girls in our community. As we are again looking for financial security etc then we get 3 girls. After confirming the job security and all we get 1 girl...and at last that girl doesn't like  person!!! :) ;)  So at the end of the day you have nothing in hand. So we have to go for some other less lucrative options!!

Well this is a kind of exaggerated numbers and statistics, just for an illustrative purpose.

So the point is that, we are restricted... because of religion. The whole society is set up in that way. In the case of marriage, especially in arranged marriages, our parents will be choosing a match from their community only. We restrict ourself in falling in love with a girl in another religion!

Do we actually need all these religion and all??

But there is one thing... When there is true love, it out weights the practical one.. and its always a kind of blind..  to see religion and other hurdles..

So lets hope for true love...and a better world of course..

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